The world of journalism is ever-evolving, continually reshaping and redefining what counts as news. While breaking news, a staple of traditional media, will always play a crucial role in the news cycle, a new trend is taking shape in journalism – in-depth explainer journalism.

Traditionally, the 24-hour news cycle thrived on breaking stories, delivering news as it happened. But with the age of digital media, we are experiencing a seismic shift in how journalism looks and operates. The advent of the internet has democratized information access, enabling anyone who wishes, to tap into the global network and access information in real time. As a result, journalists are compelled to reconsider what constitutes news and how they deliver it. In the high-speed winds of digital information age, in-depth explainer journalism has emerged as a vital counterpoint to the storm of breaking news.

Explainer journalism, or contextual journalism as some call it, aims to provide comprehensive and detailed explanations of complex issues, often going beyond what is being reported in the ‘breaking’ moment. This growing trend is filling a critical need in the contemporary news sphere – the need for nuance, context, and detailed analysis.

Vox, a reputed digital media company, is a pioneer in this field, capitalizing on this emerging journalism trend. Their content is known for in-depth reporting, often presenting complex news stories in an easy-to-understand manner. This approach towards news has set them apart from many larger, traditional media outlets and tapped into an audience that is increasingly hungry for more than just the headlines. According to Nieman Lab, Vox has shown steady growth in audience numbers over the past few years, validating the importance and demand for such in-depth reporting.

Explainer journalism’s rise can also be gauged by the success of podcasts like Radiolab and Serial. They break down complex subjects, combining narrative storytelling with robust reporting. New York Times’ podcast “The Daily” exemplifies the potent combination of deep reporting and sound-rich narrative storytelling that has engaged audiences like never before.

One of the key factors driving the rise of this type of journalism is the undeniable complexity of our world. With increasingly intertwined economic dynamics, convoluted geopolitical scenarios, advanced scientific breakthroughs, and critical and highly-varied social issues coming to the fore, news consumers need more than a sketchy outline to make sense of things.

BBC Lab UK conducted a study, which indicated that most readers don’t just want the news as it breaks – they want to understand it. Researchers found that consumers are turning to long-form, in-depth journalism because it provides them with a deeper comprehension of the intricate factors shaping the world around them.

Social media also plays a vital role in driving the demand for more extensive, explainer-style journalism. Facebook’s News Feed algorithm has been tuned to favor longer, detailed and informative articles since they tend to engage users for a more extended period, rewarding quality over quantity. With social media networks being a primary source of news for many – Pew Research reported that as of 2020, over 52% of US adults get their news from social media – this preference for extended, explanatory material is significantly reshaping journalism.

The rise of explainer journalism does not mean an end to breaking news, far from it. Breaking news still delivers the immediacy and raw momentum that keeps the world turning. However, explainer journalism fills in the gaps, providing the ‘why’ and the ‘how’ beyond the ‘what’ of breaking news. It elevates news consumption from being informed to being understood – something that today’s sophisticated audiences demand.

Sources: Nieman Lab, Pew Research Center, Vox Media, The New York Times, BBC Lab UK, Facebook Newsfeed Algorithm.

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